Chicago Mirror by Genesis Adaptive


Genesis Adaptive provides this mirror to show our support for a variety of free and open source software that we use daily. This mirror is hosted on an HP DL380 Gen9 server at our Chicago Data Center and can be accessed via both IPv4 and IPv6.

Feel free to download directly from this mirror or to point your update manager to this server. Please do not try to mirror directly from this server. Any attempts or other abusive behavior may result in access restrictions.

Genesis Adaptive has a variety of Hosting, Consulting, and Managed Service solutions. If there is anything we can help you with, feel free to reach out.

This mirror is also available via SSL.

For technical issues related to the operation of this mirror, or to list your open source project on our mirror, please contact us.

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSize
[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -
[DIR]v4l-utils/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]v4l2loopback/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]v4l2ucp/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]v86d/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vacation/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagalume/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant-cachier/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant-digitalocean/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant-hostmanager/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant-libvirt/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant-lxc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant-mutate/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vagrant-sshfs/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]val-and-rick/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vala-mode-el/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vala-panel/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]valabind/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vala/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]valentina/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]valgrind/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]valinor/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]valkyrie/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vamp-plugin-sdk/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vamps/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]van.pydeb/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vanessa-adt/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vanessa-logger/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vanessa-socket/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vanguards/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]varconf/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]variantslib/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]variety/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]varmon/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]varna/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]varnish-modules/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]varnish/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vatnumber/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vbackup/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vbetool/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vbindiff/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vblade/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vboot-utils/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vbrfix/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vcdimager/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vcftools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vcheck/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vclt-tools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vcmi/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vco-plugins/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR] 01:22 -
[DIR]vcsh/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vcversioner/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vde2/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdesk/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdetelweb/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdirsyncer/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdk2/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdpau-video/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdpauinfo/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-dvbsddevice/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-dvd/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-epgsearch/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-epgsync/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-femon/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-fritzbox/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-live/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-mp3/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-osdserver/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-osdteletext/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-remote/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-satip/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-skinenigmang/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-streamdev/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-svdrposd/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-svdrpservice/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-vcd/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-vnsiserver/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-weather/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-xine/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdradmin-am/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vecmath/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vectoroids/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]velocity/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]velocity-tools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]velvet/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]velvetoptimiser/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vera/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vera++/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]verbiste/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]verdigris/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]verilator/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]verilog-mode/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]verse/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]versioneer-clojure/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]versiontools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]veyon/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vflib3/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vfu/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vgabios/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vgrabbj/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vibe.d/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]videogen/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]videotrans/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]viennacl/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]view3dscene/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]viewmol/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]viewnior/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR] 01:22 -
[DIR]viewvc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vifm/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vigor/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]viking/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vilistextum/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-addon-manager/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-addon-mw-utils/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-airline-themes/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-airline/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-autopep8/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-bitbake/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-command-t/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-ctrlp/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-editorconfig/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-fugitive/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-julia/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-khuno/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-lastplace/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-latexsuite/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-ledger/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-pathogen/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-puppet/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-rails/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-scripts/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-snipmate/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-snippets/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-syntastic/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-syntax-gtk/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-tabular/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-tlib/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-ultisnips/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-vimerl/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-voom/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vim-youcompleteme/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vimish-fold/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vimoutliner/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vinagre/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vine/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vinetto/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vino/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vips/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virglrenderer/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virt-goodies/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virt-top/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virt-manager/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virt-viewer/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virt-what/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtaal/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtio-forwarder/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtualenv-clone/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtualenvwrapper-el/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtualenvwrapper/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtualjaguar/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtualpg/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]virtuoso-opensource/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]viruskiller/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vis/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visidata/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visolate/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visp-images/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visp/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vistrails/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visual-fill-column/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visual-regexp-el/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visual-regexp/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visualboyadvance/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]visualvm/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vit/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vitables/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vite/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vitetris/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]viva/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vizigrep/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vkd3d/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vkeybd/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlan/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vland/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlc-plugin-bittorrent/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlc-plugin-vlsub/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlevel/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlfeat/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlock/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vlogger/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vm/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmdb2/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmdebootstrap/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmdk-stream-converter/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmfs-tools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmg/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmm/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmmlib/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmpk/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vmtouch/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vncsnapshot/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vnlog/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vnstat/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vo-aacenc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vo-amrwbenc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vobcopy/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vocproc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voctomix-outcasts/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voctomix/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vodovod/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voice-notes/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voikko-fi/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vokoscreen/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]volatildap/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]volatility/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]volk/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]volpack/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]volti/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]volume-key/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR] 01:22 -
[DIR]volumeicon/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voluptuous-serialize/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voluptuous/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voms-api-java/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voms-clients-java/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voms-mysql-plugin/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voms/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vor/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vorbis-java/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vorbis-tools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vorbisgain/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voro++/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voronota/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]votca-csg/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]votca-tools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vows/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]voxbo/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vpb-driver/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vpcs/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vpnc-scripts/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vpnc/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vprerex/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vramsteg/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vrfy/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vrfydmn/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vrms/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vrrpd/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vsdump/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vsearch/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vsftpd/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vspline/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vstream-client/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtable-dumper/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vte/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vte2.91/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtgamma/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtgrab/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtk-dicom/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtk6/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtk7/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtprint/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vttest/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtun/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vtwm/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vue.js/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vulkan-loader/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vulkan-tools/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vulkan-validationlayers/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vuls/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vulture/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vxi/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vym/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vzctl/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vzdump/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vzquota/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vzstats/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vala-panel-appmenu/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vdr-plugin-xineliboutput/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]vile/2023-12-18 01:23 -
[DIR]vnc4/2023-12-18 01:23 -
[DIR]vim/2023-12-18 01:23 -