Chicago Mirror by Genesis Adaptive


Genesis Adaptive provides this mirror to show our support for a variety of free and open source software that we use daily. This mirror is hosted on an HP DL380 Gen9 server at our Chicago Data Center and can be accessed via both IPv4 and IPv6.

Feel free to download directly from this mirror or to point your update manager to this server. Please do not try to mirror directly from this server. Any attempts or other abusive behavior may result in access restrictions.

Genesis Adaptive has a variety of Hosting, Consulting, and Managed Service solutions. If there is anything we can help you with, feel free to reach out.

This mirror is also available via SSL.

For technical issues related to the operation of this mirror, or to list your open source project on our mirror, please contact us.

[ICO]NameLast modifiedSize
[PARENTDIR]Parent Directory  -
[DIR]k2pdfopt/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]k3b/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]k3d/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]k4dirstat/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kaccessible/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kaccounts-integration/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kaccounts-providers/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kactivities-kf5/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kactivities-stats/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kactivities/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kactivitymanagerd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kaddressbook/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kadu/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kaffeine/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kafkacat/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kajongg/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kakasi/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kakoune/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kalarm/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kalarmcal/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kalgebra/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kali/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kalign/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kalternatives/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kalzium/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kamailio/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kamcli/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kamera/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kamerka/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kanagram/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kanatest/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kanboard-cli/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kanif/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kanjidic/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kanjipad/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kannel-sqlbox/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kannel/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kanyremote/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kapidox/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kapman/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kapptemplate/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]karchive/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]karlyriceditor/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kashmir/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kasumi/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]katarakt/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kate/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kate4/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]katomic/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kauth/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kawari8/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kazam/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kazoo/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kbackup/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kball/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbd-chooser/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbdd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbibtex/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kblackbox/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kblocks/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kblog/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kbookmarks/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kboot-utils/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbounce/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbreakout/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbruch/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbtin/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kbuild/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcachegrind/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcalc/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcalcore/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcalutils/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcc/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcharselect/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcheckers/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kchmviewer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcm-fcitx/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcm-fcitx5/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcmutils/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcodecs/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcollectd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcolorchooser/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcompletion/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kconfig-frontends/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kconfig/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kconfigwidgets/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcontacts/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcoreaddons/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcptun/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kcrash/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kcron/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdav/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdb/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdbg/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdbusaddons/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdc2tiff/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde-cli-tools/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde-config-systemd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde-dev-scripts/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde-dev-utils/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde-gtk-config/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde-l10n/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde-runtime/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kde-spectacle/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kde4libs/2023-12-18 01:19 -
[DIR]kdebugsettings/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdeclarative/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kdeconnect/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdecoration/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kded/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdeedu-data/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdegraphics-mobipocket/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdegraphics-thumbnailers/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdelibs4support/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdenetwork-filesharing/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdenlive/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdepim-addons/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdepim-runtime/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdepimlibs/2023-12-18 01:19 -
[DIR]kdeplasma-addons/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kdesdk-kioslaves/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdesdk-thumbnailers/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdesignerplugin/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdesu/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdesvn/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdevelop-pg-qt/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdevelop-php/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdevelop-python/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdevelop/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kdewebkit/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdf/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdgcommons-java/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdiagram/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdialog/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdiamond/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdiff3/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdnssd-kf5/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdocker/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kdoctools/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kdrill/2023-12-18 01:20 -
[DIR]keditbookmarks/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keepalived/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keepass2-plugin-keepasshttp/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keepass2/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keepassx/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keepassxc/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keepnote/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kelbt/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kemoticons/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kephra/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keras-applications/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]keras-preprocessing/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]keras/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kerberos-configs/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kernel-handbook/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kernel-wedge/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kerneloops/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kerneltop/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kernsmooth/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]ketchup/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ketm/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keurocalc/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kexec-tools/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kexi/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]key-chord-el/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]key-mon/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keybinder-3.0/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]keybinder/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]keyboards-rg/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keychain/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keylaunch/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keyman-config/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]keyman-keyboardprocessor/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]keymapper/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keynav/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keyringer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keyrings.alt/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]keystone/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]keysync/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keytouch-editor/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]keyutils/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kf5-kdepim-apps-libs/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kf5-messagelib/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kfilemetadata-kf5/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kfilemetadata/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kfind/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kfloppy/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kfourinline/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kfreebsd-10/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kgamma5/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kgb-bot/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kgb/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kget/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kglobalaccel/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kgoldrunner/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kgpg/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kguiaddons/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]khal/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]khangman/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]khard/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]khelpcenter/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]khmer/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]khmerconverter/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kholidays/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]khotkeys/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]khronos-api/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]khronos-opencl-clhpp/2023-12-18 01:20 -
[DIR]khronos-opencl-headers/2023-12-18 01:20 -
[DIR]khronos-opencl-man/2023-12-18 01:20 -
[DIR]khronos-opengl-man4/2023-12-18 01:20 -
[DIR]khtml/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]ki18n/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kicad-footprints/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kicad-packages3d/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kicad-symbols/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kicad-templates/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kicad/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kickpass/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kickseed/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kiconthemes/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kid/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kid3/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kidentitymanagement/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kidletime/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kido/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kig/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kigo/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kiki-the-nano-bot/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kiki/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kildclient/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kile/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]killbots/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]killer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kim-api/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kimageformats/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kimagemapeditor/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kimap/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kimwitu/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kindleclip/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kineticstools/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kinfocenter/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]king-probe/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]king/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kinit/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kino/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kinput2/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kio-extras/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kio-gdrive/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kio-gopher/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kio/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kirigami2/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kiriki/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kismet/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kissplice/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kitchen/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kitchensink-clojure/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kitemmodels/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kitemviews/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kiten/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kitinerary/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kitty/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kiwi/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kiwisolver/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kjobwidgets/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kjots/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kjs/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kjsembed/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kjumpingcube/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klatexformula/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]klaus/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]klavaro/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kldap/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kleopatra/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klettres/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klibc/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]klick/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klickety/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klines/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klog/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klone/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kluppe/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]klustakwik/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmag/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmahjongg/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmail-account-wizard/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmail/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmailtransport/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kmbox/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kmc/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kmediaplayer/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kmenuedit/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmer/2023-12-18 01:22 -
[DIR]kmetronome/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmfl-keyboards-mywin/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmflcomp/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kmidimon/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmime/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kmines/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmix/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmldonkey/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmod/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kmodpy/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kmousetool/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmouth/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmplayer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmplot/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmscube/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kmymoney/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knavalbattle/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knetwalk/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knews/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knewstuff/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]knights/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knockd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knocker/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knockpy/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knopflerfish-osgi/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]knot-resolver/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knot/2023-12-18 01:19 -
[DIR]knotes/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knotifications/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]knotifyconfig/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]knowl.js/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]knowthelist/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knutclient/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]knxd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ko.tex-extra-hlfont/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ko.tex-unfonts/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kobodeluxe/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kodi-visualization-spectrum/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kodi/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]koji/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kolf/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kollision/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kolourpaint/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kombu/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]komi/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kompare/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]konclude/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]konfont/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]konqueror/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]konquest/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]konsole/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kontact/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kontactinterface/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]konversation/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]konwert/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kookbook/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kopano-webapp-plugin-files/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kopano-webapp/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kopanocore/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kopete/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kore/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]korganizer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]koules/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kover/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kpackage/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kparts/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kpartsplugin/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kpat/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kpatch/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kpcli/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kpeople/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kphotoalbum/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kpimtextedit/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kpkpass/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kplotting/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kpmcore/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kppp/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kprinter4/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kproperty/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kpty/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kqtquickcharts/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]kradio4/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kraft/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kraken/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krank/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kraptor/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krb5-auth-dialog/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krb5-strength/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krb5-sync/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krb5/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]krdc/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kredentials/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kremotecontrol/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krename/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kreport/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kreversi/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krfb/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krita/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kronometer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kronosnet/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]krop/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kross-interpreters/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kross/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kruler/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]krunner/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]krusader/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kscd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kscreen/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kscreenlocker/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kservice/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]ksh/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kshisen/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kshutdown/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksirk/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksmtp/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]ksmtuned/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksnakeduel/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kspaceduel/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksquares/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksshaskpass/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kst/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kstars/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kstart/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksudoku/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksyntax-highlighting/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]ksysguard/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ksystemlog/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kteatime/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktexteditor/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]ktextwidgets/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]ktikz/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]ktimer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktnef/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]ktorrent/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktouch/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-accounts-kcm/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-approver/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-auth-handler/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-call-ui/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-common-internals/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]ktp-contact-runner/2023-12-18 01:21 -
[DIR]ktp-desktop-applets/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-filetransfer-handler/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-kded-integration-module/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-send-file/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktp-text-ui/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]ktuberling/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kturtle/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kubectx/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kubetail/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kubrick/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kunitconversion/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kunststoff/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kup-backup/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kup/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kupfer/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kuttypy/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kuvert/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kvirc/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kvpnc/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kvu-display/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwalify/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwallet-kf5/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kwallet-pam/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kwalletcli/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwalletmanager/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwave/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwayland-integration/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwayland/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kwidgetsaddons/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kwin/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kwindowsystem/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kwordquiz/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwrited/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kwstyle/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kxd/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kxl/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kxml2/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kxmlgui/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kxmlrpcclient/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kxstitch/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kylin-burner/2023-12-18 01:20 -
[DIR]kylin-display-switch/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kylin-nm/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kylin-video/2023-12-18 01:17 -
[DIR]kyotocabinet/2023-12-18 01:18 -
[DIR]kytos-sphinx-theme/2023-12-18 01:21 -